Thursday, January 9, 2020

Poverty A Country Of Opportunity - 1102 Words

Poverty is one of the biggest problems we are dealing with in our world. What is poverty you might ask, well poverty is when one is labeled as inefficient enough to live at society standards and needs to provide for one’s self or their family finically. Poverty may be known as a state symbol in less developed countries. But in reality poverty is everywhere! Even the countries that would never come to mind like America â€Å"the land of opportunity â€Å". Americans are proud of their economic system, believing it provides opportunities for all citizens to have good lives. But did you know more than 46.7 million people live below the line of poverty. Most recent studies show poverty rate for African Americans was 26.2 percent, Latinos 23.6 percent, Asians 12 percent, and non-Hispanics Whites 10.1 percent. Children under the age of 18 poverty rate were 21.1 percent and the number of children in poverty was 15.5 million. These children represented 23.3 percent of the total popu lation and 33.3 Percent of people in poverty. More than 19.9 million Americans live in severe poverty. Which means their family’s cash income was less than half of the poverty line, or possibly about $10,000 a year for a family of four. They represented 6.6 percent of all people and 44.6 percent of those in poverty. Now that we as a nation understand the surrealness of this unfortunate situation we have taken matters into our hands to end poverty in America. We have done a lot that works. From social securityShow MoreRelatedPoverty : A Country With Great Opportunities For A Successful Future1789 Words   |  8 Pagescontinues to face an issue with no end towards it. America is known to be a country with great opportunities for better living and most importantly a chance for a successful future. It is unfortunate that despite of a better life and opportunities in America, poverty continues to be present and affecting citizens. 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